Board and Advisory Board

The Board and Advisory Board of the MCT8 Research Foundation consists of scientists, researchers and physicians who work with dedication and passion on the subject of MCT8.

The board and advisory board are deciding together on the interests of the Foundation.

dominika schiebl

Dominika Schiebl, master of science in psychological medicine, computer scientist, founder - charitable therapy center, CEO - web applications

Dominika Schieblchairman of the board

Stefanie Richter, master of science in computer science, project management Micromata GmbH

Stefanie Richtervice-chairman of the board

Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Neubauer is Managing Director of the Center for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and Chief Physician of the Department of Pediatric Neurology, Social Paediatrics and Epileptology at the Univ.-Klinikum Gießen / Marburg. One of his main scientific areas of specialisation includes the genetics of epilepsy.

Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Axel Neubauer advisory board

Dr. Doreen Braun at the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University Bonn is winner of the Basedow Prize 2017 for her research on the MCT8 mutation.

Dr. Doreen Braun advisory board

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schweizer is a professor of biochemistry at the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University Bonn as well as board member and congress president of the German Society of Endocrinology.

2006 Merck European Thyroid von Basedow Research Prize
2006 Young Investigator Award "Selenium in Biology and Medicine", Madison, WI
2007 Schrauzer Prize for research on selenium, German Society for Minerals and Trace Elements
2008 Young Investigator Award “Trace Elements in Man and Animals13“, Pucon, Chile
2009 Travel grant to American Thyroid Foundation Meeting at Palm Beach, FL.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schweizer advisory board

Dr. med Christoffer Krug is a specialist in pediatric and adolescent medicine, emergency medicine, neonatal ambulance and asthma coach at the pediatrician and juvenile practice Dr. med. Christoffer Krug & Dr. med. Bianka Grofer & Dr. med. W.-Christian Püschel

C. Krug: Das unkooperative Kind beim Ultraschall, in Rupprecht (Hrsg.) Pädiatrische Ultraschalldiagnostik, ecomed Heidelberg 2019
children's book "Paul sagt: AAAHHH"

Dr. med. Christoffer Krug advisory board

Parents board

Daniela Strehlau parents board

Jenny Wilms parents board

Margarita Czarnecka parents board

Tatjana Feduschin parents board

Ewa Taratycka parents board

Velina Karoserova-Jordanova parents board

Cidgem Demiray parents board

Stefan Spruck parents board

Maurice Merscher parents board

The MCT8 Research Foundation is committed to fighting the rare disease - Allan Herndon Dudley Syndrome (AHDS).